For countless centuries, make-up has been used by women – and men – to enhance their natural looks. However, it’s not always beneficial in the long term. While we may be long past the days when it was chic to slather your face in dangerous white lead (a common fad up until the 18th century), common cosmetics can still damage your beauty if you misuse them.

Old Products

Make-up has an expiration date – in some cases, like mascara, a very short one – and it’s not simply to make you buy more. It’s because your make-up is an effective breeding ground for bacteria; cling on to that mascara for more than the recommended three months and you put yourself at an increasing risk of eye infections. Make note of the expiration dates of your make-up, and set yourself a reminder to treat yourself to new products in time.

Dirty Brushes

Similarly, you can find a lot of bacteria growing on your make-up brushes if they aren’t properly cleaned. Using dirty brushes effectively paints old grime back onto your face, and this can contribute to spots, acne and other infections. Keep your brushes – and the make-up bag that holds them – clean, and your skin will be cleaner too.

Sharing Isn’t Caring

Your best friend may adore that shade of lipstick, but letting her borrow it isn’t a great idea. Any form of make-up that is applied directly – lipsticks, eyeliners, etc. – can transfer bacteria and viruses from one user to another. If she really can’t buy her own, at least make sure that she uses a clean lipstick brush to apply it.

Less Is More

Thickly applied make-up can clog up your pores, with inevitable unwanted effects. Apply it lightly, and never – no matter how much of a rush you may be in – be tempted to simply layer your evening make-up on top of whatever you were wearing during the day. On a similar note, never go to sleep still in your make-up – take it off and let your skin breath.

Here at the Aesthetic Skin Clinic, we offer a range of cosmetic treatments including Thermage that can help you to repair damage to your skin and achieve a more youthful look. For more information, or to make an appointment for a consultation, contact us today.