Celebrities like Angelina Jolie, whose ’pillow lips’ are legendary, are leading the trend for fuller more luscious lips.


As we age, our lips lose definition and volume. Dr Curran, Lead physician at the Aesthetic Skin Clinic, explains that the most common way to plump up lips and redefine lip contours is by using injectable fillers. The current trend in lip augmentation is very natural   “People want to be subtle yet still see a difference,” he says.


There are many types of dermal fillers currently available for this procedure, temporary, semi-permanent, which include fat transfer, and permanent implants. The most popular, however, are the temporary fillers like Juvéderm® Ultra Smile and Restylane Lip. They are hyaluronic acid based, gradually resorbed, can be easily removed, and therefore are the most popular and safest option.

These unique formulations are designed for successful lip enhancement, as they are tissue tailored and formulated to work in harmony with the natural anatomy of the lip. They are designed to create beautifully shaped lips, giving a natural fullness and a more sensual look, leaving your lips soft to touch and irresistibly kissable.

He concludes ‘The art in creating beautiful lips, is in finding that fine line by which the fillers add balance to the lower face and satisfy the patient’s requirements without exaggerating the results”.

For more information about The Aesthetic Skin Clinic’s lip fillers in Belfast, Guernsey or Jersey, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team today.